Games Proposal - Group Project (First Team Meeting) - Childhood Memory - Lost Family Dog by Chris Lomax


First official group meeting

Members of the group and roles

Our group consists of five members:

·         Myself (Chris Lomax) - Level Designer

·         Sean Clancy - Level Designer

·         Ryan Chaney - Technical Designer

·         Dan Jolley - Environmental / Prop Artist

·         Will Anders - Environmental / Prop Artist

Confirmed Project

As a team we all decided that we want to create the game I came up with, which is for the “Childhood Memory” brief “Lost dog”.

When I was younger, I lost my dad in a mall, and I remember trying to find him and looking for clues. For the game to be more interesting, I thought it would be a better idea if you were to play as a lost dog and one of the main mechanics would be utilizing your keen dog smell sense to find your owner’s scent throughout the level.

Background Story

The story me & Dan came up with is the family are going on holiday and are dropping the dog off at a dog care centre inside a mall (that’s how the dog ends up being in a mall). The first level consists of escaping the dog care centre (being a tutorial level), then leading off into a food court, then into the garden centre & lastly into the car park where the dog will be reunited with its family.

Tasks for myself this week

For this week I will be coming up with ideas on what puzzles, tasks & mechanics the dog must do to progress through the garden centre & car park.

Me and Sean decided that we will split the mall up into four sections with him creating the first half (dog care centre & food court) and myself creating the other half (containing the garden centre & car park).

As Ryan is our “Technical” designer, if there’s a mechanic I think of, I will discuss it with him to see if it’s achievable to create. Other than that, if I come up with a cool basic level / environmental mechanic, I will go ahead and create it myself to save time.

Lastly, if there are unique props that I require inside my level, I will discuss it further with Will & Dan to see if they can create it.



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