Games Proposal - Childhood Memory - Star Wars "The Messenger" Progression Weeks 1 & 2 by Chris Lomax
Games Proposal - Childhood Memory - Star Wars "The Messenger" Progression Weeks 1 & 2 For my second brief I chose the "Childhood Memory" and wanted to create a game based on Star Wars, as my dad is a massive fan of the franchise and I use to watch it a lot with him while I was younger. On top of that, I really enjoyed playing Lego Star Wars on the computer as a child and have very fond memories of that too. As my first project was highly focused on killing enemies to progress through the level. I wanted to make this game have no killing, weapons or violence in the game and focus on world building, lore & puzzles instead. I created a pitch presentation explaining what the game is and the goal of the game. The three main mechanics are: Force Pick Up, Force Push & Force Light. So you have to use the force to progress through the level and solve puzzles. My tutors approved of it and wanted a Level Design Document (LDD) created in a weeks time, which I also c...